【英语多益通】三句英文 看百大权威女性王雪红
文/周强(Tim Chou)
富比士杂志(Forbes)最新刊出2013年「全球100位最具权势女性」(The World's Most Powerful Women)之中,台湾宏达电(HTC)的总裁王雪红荣登百位中的第46名。富比士杂志是如何描写这位成功的女企业家呢?它只用了三句英文:
第一句:HTC may be in Dutch with investors after reporting its worst quarter ever (profits down a staggering 98% year over year in Q1 2013) and major production delays on the latest flagship phone, the HTC One.
此句是说:HTC报出历来最差当季财务表现之后(获利较去年同期大跌98%),以及最新旗舰机种HTC One零件不足而使主要生产递延,可能惹毛投资人。
句中的「year over year」(与去年同期相比)、「production delay」(生产延迟)、「latest flagship phone」(最新旗舰手机电话)都是值得一学的说法。尤其delay更常在机场听到flight delay,就是所谓的「班机延迟」,而latest可不是「最迟的」,而是「最新的」。
第二句:But the "quietly brilliant" Cher Wang is holding on chair of the company she founded in 1997.
此句是说:「但是这位『谦和卓越』的王雪红稳坐她l997年所建公司的总裁位子。」本句的「quietly brilliant」是富比士文章作者引用宏达电的slogan(标语)「quietly brilliant」。这「brilliant」有「卓越的、优秀的、很赞的」之意,同义字还有excellent、outstanding、fabulous等等,而「quietly」是副词「安静地」,修饰了「brilliant」之后,被解释为「谦和卓越」、「默默耀眼」,或是「以谦和的态度,造就美好事物」。
【例句】She was nominated as chair of The Board of Directors.(她被提名为董事会主席。)
第三句:Over the years HTC has moved from a manufacturer for other brands to a leading Android brand in its own right.
What is Cher Wang’s current position?(A) A business reporter(B) A corporate executive(C) A supplier of HTC(D) A brand manager
【解析】本题是问王雪红(Cher Wang)的现职为何?正确答案是(B)--一个企业里的高阶主管。「executive」是职场重要字,它是具有决策能力的高阶经理人之意,例如执行长是CEO,即为Chief Executive Officer,中间的executive即为此字。答案(A)是商业记者、答案(C)是HTC的供应商、答案(D)是品牌经理,皆非正解。
HTC是台湾引以为傲、能够与Apple、Samsung竞争的国际品牌,而王雪红是成功的企业家、HTC的创建者。她成为富比士「全球100位最具权势女性」“The World's Most Powerful Women”的英文描述,你不能错过。以下为登载在富比士杂志的原文:
HTC may be in Dutch with investors after reporting its worst quarter ever (profits down a staggering 98% year over year in Q1 2013) and major production delays on the latest flagship phone, the HTC One. But the "quietly brilliant" Cher Wang is holding on chair of the company she founded in 1997. Over the years HTC has moved from a manufacturer for other brands to a leading Android brand in its own right.
2013 SPOTLIGHT: The aptly-named HTC First became the first smartphone optimized for Facebook Home in March.