【英语多益通】6大职场必备多益句 写好英文询问信

新北教育局开「餐旅AI营」体验职场生活 。(图/记者崔至云摄)

文/Buffy Kao



From:     jasson.gavin@sanso.comTo:          info@sunshinehotels.co.twDate:      January 7Subject: Event for Sanso Engineering

Dear Sir or Madam,

① I am writing to ask about conference facilities at your Taipei hotel. On March 4, Sanso Engineering is organizing an event for 500 major customers. ② We would like to demonstrate some of our equipment and present information about our products to our guests. ③ Please let me know if your conference facilities are available on this date. ④ I would be grateful if you could send me information about the presentation equipment, room sizes and catering facilities in your hotel. ⑤ Please include a telephone number and a contact person I can call to discuss the details. ⑥ I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,Jason GavinSanso Engineering


① I am writing (this email) to ask about…/我写这封信是想请教有关……

如果你联系对象是从没打交道的客户,请一定要禀明写此封信的目的,否则对方容易一头雾水。这句英文便是一个简单的开头,表明写信的目的。由于about是介系词,所以后面可以简单加个名词即可。若要加句子,可以改成「I am writing to ask if…」。由于if为连接词,后面可以加主词动词,变成一个完整的子句

● 后接名词I am writing to ask about the prices for model 332.

● 后接子句I am writing to ask if you could provide us with the prices for model 332.

② We would like to.../我们想要......

这一句英文后接原型动词,而we would like则接名词即可。两句英文都有表达委婉want的意思,但是后者太过直接、不够委婉及不礼貌,很容易触犯到对方。因此在社交场合中,可以多用would like的表达语,以免触犯对方。

③ Please let me know if…/如果可以……的话烦请告知


④ I would be grateful if…/如果您能……的话我会感激不尽


⑤ Please include…/(回信中)请包括……


⑥ I look forward to hearing from you/非常期待能尽快听到您的消息


最后我们来看开头与结尾的部分,开头的招呼语,因为并不认识对方,因此可以用Dear Sir or Madam,意思为敬启者。但也有部分的人会写To Whom It May Concern来做为开头的招呼语,不过这个是比较老旧的用法。如果想要明确度更高,也可以用Dear[name of the department]。

另外结尾部份可以用Yours truly、Yours Sincerely或是文中的Yours faithfully,都是属于比较尊敬的表达语,适合用在初次书信来往时书写


1. Sanso Engineering is organizing a conference for:(A) tourists in Taipei(B) company staff(C) people it does business with

2. March 4 is the date when:(A) Jason is writing the email(B) The conference will take place(C) The hotel says the conference can take place

3. Jason wants:(A) the name of somebody at the hotel(B) to visit the hotel(C) to check the costs



WantedAdministrative Assistant

Head of northeastern district sales for Haptacom requires the services of an experienced administrative assistant. Two years of experience in a similar position is the minimum requirement. An educational background in sales, marketing, or administration is a plus. Applicants who are multilingual (English, Spanish, Japanese) are also preferred. Send a letter indicating your interest, qualifications and salary requirements, and a resume to Northeastern District Sales Hub, Care of Juanita Halperin, Haptacom Telecom Inc., 38 Science Park Plaza, Suite 1717, Toronto, Canada. Electronic responses are discouraged.

October 10The Sales Office for the Northeastern DistrictHaptacom Telecom Inc

Dear Sir/Madam,I am responding to your advertisement for an experienced administrative assistant. I feel that I am a strong candidate for the position as I meet all of the requirements you listed. I have worked as an administrative assistant in the financial services industry for nearly five years, and I have a bachelor's degree in sales and marketing. Further, I grew up in France and studied abroad in Japan for two years. You can see my enclosed résumé for details.

I am on contract with my present employer through the end of this month and I will not be renewing that contract. I would be, therefore, available to begin as early as the first of next month.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely,Lily Matsuzaka

1. When can Lily Matsuzaka begin a new job?(A) Immediately(B) October 1st(C) October 31st(D) November 1st

2. Why does Lily Matsuzaka mention studying in Japan?(A) To prove that she has a degree(B) To express her willingness to travel(C) To indicate her ability to speak several languages(D) To emphasize her cultural heritage

3. What does Lily Matsuzaka neglect to include in her letter?(A) The amount of money she wishes to earn(B) The name of her university(C) Which country's passport she holds(D) Her email address


1. 正解为(D)。题意为「Lily Matsuzaka何时可以开始新工作?」答案直接看求职者的回信即可,在信中Lily提到I would be, therefore, available to begin as early as the first of next month.(因此我最早下个月一号可以开始上班。)信头看到此封信的书写日期为October 10th,因此下个月初当然就是November 1st,因此答案当然要选(D)。注意不能选(C),因为那应该是她目前工作的最后一天,而非新工作的到职日。

2. 正解为(C)。题意为「Lily Matsuzaka为何提到自己在日本读过书的经验?」而从征人启事内文的求职者资格要求讯息做推论,在征人启事中提到Applicants who are multilingual (English, Spanish, Japanese) are also preferred.(有第二外语能力的应征者也会优先考虑,如英文、西班牙文日文等。)因此推论Lily试图要在对方面前增加自己的录取机率,而特别提到自己在日本的留学经验,进而暗示她的日文力不差。

3. 正解为(A)。题意为「Lily Matsuzaka在信中忽略提到什么讯息?」这题我们要结合两篇文章讯息内容来合理判断,首先,征人启事中提到求职者必须寄信indicating your interest, qualifications and salary requirements, and a resume(表明兴趣、资格和对薪水的要求,加上个人履历)到公司应征职位


Wanted Advert.

Lily’s Letter


a. I have worked as an administrative assistant in the financial services industry for nearly five years. (我在财政服务产业担任行政助理近五年。)b. I have a bachelor's degree in sales and marketing.(我拥有销售行销学位。)c. I grew up in France and studied abroad in Japan for two years.(我在法国长大并在日本留学两年。)

Salary Requirement


Lily没有提到salary requirement,因此答案要选(A),也就是the amount of money she wishes to earn(她期望的月薪)。
