
▲ 北科大企业征才博览会。(图/北科大提供)



A university degree is preferred, but candidates with secondary school certificates are also eligible.(最好具备大学学历,若具中学学历亦可申请。)* preferred [prɪˋfɝd] (a.) 被喜好的;优先

Working hours will be 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., three days a week.(工作时间自上午八点半到下午三点,每周三天。)

The specific hours cannot be changed, but there is some flexibility regarding the days of the week.(上班时数是固定的,不得变更,但每周的工作日弹性调整。)

The candidate must be able to start on June 1.(应征者必须能在六月一日到职。)

The salary offer will be commensurate with candidate’s experience and education.(薪资会符合应征者的工作经验和教育程度。)* commensurate [kəˋmɛnʃərɪt] (a.) 相称的;同量

在以上的征才告示中,我们看到这家公司对于这个职位的工作职责说明(job description),其中有一句「The specific hours cannot be changed, but there is some flexibility regarding the days of the week.」所要表达的是:「每天从几点到几点的上班时数是固定而不可变更的,但是每周的工作日可弹性调整。」句中的specific与flexibility不仅是句意的关键,也是多益测验的必考字。

* specific [spɪˋsɪfɪk] (a.) 特定的,特殊的

* flexibility [͵flɛksəˋbɪlətɪ] (n.) 弹性

有些人会把specific与special这两个字混淆!special是「特别的」,但是specific是「特定的」。「The specific hours cannot be changed」是指从几点到几点的上班工作时数是特定的,例如从早上09:00到晚上18:00;既然特定,所以是固定而不可改变。

例句:Quality control specialists are only allowed into specific areas of the factory.(品管专员只可进入工厂的特定区域。)


Would you please be more specific!(请说得具体一点!)

延伸阅读》起薪近四万、还有机会派驻海外 挑战自我的工作机会


* specialist [ˋspɛʃəlɪst] (n.) 专家The research and development group is thrilled that a robotics specialist will be joining their team.(研发小组很兴奋有位机器人专家将加入他们的团队。)

* specialize [ˋspɛʃəl͵aɪz] (v.) 专攻专门从事I specialize in the sale of handmade organic soaps. Can we start agents cooperate?(我专门经营手工有机肥皂,我们可以展开代理合作吗?)

* specialization [͵spɛʃəlɪˋzeʃən] (n.) 专攻;专精I have an advanced degree in business with specialization in marketing from the London School of Finance.(我拥有伦敦财经学院硕士学位,专攻行销学。)

* specification [͵spɛsəfəˋkeʃən] (n.) 详细计划;规格书I’m going to give you the specifications for the project, as well as a contract.(我将提供您此专案的详细企划合约书。)

「flexible」是指物体的「可弯曲的」,以及事情的「有弹性的、灵活的」。在办公室做事情,都要保持着弹性与灵活性,flexible的名词是flexibility。「there is some flexibility regarding the days of the week」是指每周的工作日可弹性调整,例如周一、三、五工作或是周二、四、五工作。这样的对话应该是发生在办公室的兼职(part-time)人员身上比较多。

例句:Although jackets are mandatory in this seminar, we are flexible concerning neckties.(虽然研讨会内必须穿着西装外套,但可弹性选择是否打领带。)

Employees in the Research and Development department expect flexibility in the workplace.(研发部员工盼望弹性工时。)


1. Next Thursday the Lambert Historical Society will present ______ methods for learning more about the history of your home.(A) specify(B) specifying(C) specific(D) specification

2. Perhaps ______ their greater flexibility, smaller companies may be able to react more quickly to economic fluctuations than larger companies.(A) even if(B) owing to(C) not(D) as


第2题的正确答案是(B)。「their greater flexibility」是名词性质的词组,以选项(B)的介系词片语owing to(由于)最适合。全句句意为「或许是因为小公司有较大的弹性,所以相较于大企业,更能顺应经济的波动。」题中的flexibility即为前文所提的「弹性」。选项(A)要接句子,选项(D)虽为介系词,但其意为「依照;像…一样」,在此不符句意。

* 本文的英文部份取材自《多益测验官方全真试题指南》及《多益测验核心单字书》