想要知道产品最新资讯,最快的方法就是参加商展。近些年来,越来越多人看国内商展不过瘾,还会搭机出国看展,顺便度假旅游。出国看展是运用平日所学英文的大好机会,其中有几个表示「商展、 博览会」的英文字,把它们学得精熟,就有基本分。
1. exhibitexhibit可当动词的「展示」或名词的「陈列品」、「证物」,但是据说美国人喜欢把此字拿来当名词的「商展」用,原因待查。但是你不妨观察是不是欧洲客户多把它当动词、而美国客户则喜欢当名词使用。exhibits designer则是常见的「展场筹划设计人员」。
比起exhibit,exhibition也是「商展、博览会」的超高频字,而且更正统。「h」同样不发音,但「ex-」要发 [ɛks],与exhibit的[ɪgz]不同,整个字读作[͵ɛksəˋbɪʃən]。
The foundation is staging the World Trade exhibition.(基金会正在举办世界贸易展览会。)
2. exposition动词expose有「暴露、揭露、曝光」与「使看得见」之意,字首「ex-」是out(外、出),字源义是「放出来」,放出来才会被看到。而expose的名词exposition之所以衍伸为「商展、博览会」,也是取其公司产品陈列出来而被买家看见。此外,前4个字母expo也可以指「商展、博览会」,例如台北花博就是Flora Expo。exposition读作[͵ɛkspəˋzɪʃən]。
The city government plans to build an exposition center in this area.(市政府计划在这个地区建一座商展中心。)
3. fair看美国影集或好莱坞电影,常会听到「That is not fair!」(那不公平!),这是fair形容词用法,指「公平的、公正的」,口语上也常听到「Fair enough!」,指「有道理、说得对」。不过,fair当名词时,指的是「商展、博览会」,尤其常看到careers fair是指「就业博览会」,例如veterans job fair是「退伍军人求职博览会」。
Many publishers are taking part in the International Fashion Fair, which is starting on Friday.(许多出版商参加国际时尚展览会,于周五开幕。)
Questions 92-93 refer to the following announcement.
Welcome to the New Technology Fair, everyone. Today’s schedule will give you a chance to present your companies’ newest products, and there will be some great demonstrations here today. But before we begin, I have been asked to make the following announcement. Someone has parked a red car in a no-parking zone next to this building. The car is blocking access to the kitchen entrance, and we’d like you to move your car right away. In fact, any vehicle not properly parked will be ticketed, and the fines here are high, I’m afraid. So check your cars. Thank you very much. Now, let’s get back to our planned agenda to show those exciting new products.
92. Who is the intended audience for the talk?(A) Kitchen staff in a hotel(B) Department Store customers(C) Automobile salespeople(D) Presenters at a technology fair
93. What is scheduled to happen next?(A) Lunch will be served.(B) A new store will open.(C) Products will be demonstrated.(D) Tickets will be distributed.
解析:第92题是问「此段说明的主要对象为谁」,正确答案是(D)。这是一道有趣的听力题组,当CD放出此段说明时,第一句话就说出了重点:Welcome to the New Technology Fair(欢迎参加新科技展览会)。若是能在第一句就听到了这个fair一字,此题组才有得分胜算。
接下来是Today's schedule will give you a chance to present your companies' newest products,意指「今天将会是呈现你们各公司最新产品的机会」,表示说话对象不是看展览的一般民众,而是参展的厂商代表人员,所以答案是presenters at a technology fair――在商展中做产品简报表演的人。presentation是简报,而presenter是做此动作的人。本题很容易陷入商展广播多半是针对看展宾客或民众的情境陷阱,而误选答案(B)。
第93题是问「按照行程,接下来会发生什么?」正确答案是(C)。线索是第二句and there will be some great demonstrations here today,以及最后一句let's get back to our planned agenda to show those exciting new products,从两句的demonstrations与show可以推知产品「展示」即将开始,所以是答案(C)Products will be demonstrated。