【英语多益通】学会8个单字 轻松收服神奇宝贝

▲ 720只神奇宝贝人气票选20名。(图/翻摄自官网


如果在户外看到有人拿着手机捕捉虚拟神奇宝贝,你无须觉得一头雾水,因为那是现今全球最夯的扩增实境(AR)手机游戏精灵宝可梦Go」(Pokémon Go)。

Pokémon Go目前在台湾尚未上架,因此我们无法下载这个App。然而,我们不妨从它的官网,看看「Pokémon Go」的产品介绍,一方面先了解这个游戏的迷人之处,赶上世界潮流;二来借由阅读官网的英文产品介绍来增进我们阅读能力,可谓一举数得。

Pokémon GO is built on Niantic’s Real World Gaming Platform and will use real locations to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon.

官网上说,Pokémon Go是建立在Niantic公司的「真实世界游戏平台(Real World Gaming Platform)」上,并且使用真实的地点位置来鼓励玩家在真实世界里到处寻找宝可梦小精灵

location与search都是多益测验核心字汇,location这个字表示「位置、所在地」,而search far and wide则是指在「各处找寻」。

例句:I’ve been looking for the new location for our restaurant.(我一直在寻觅我们餐厅的新地点。)

The police searched far and wide for the missing car.(警方到处寻找那部失踪的汽车。)


As you move around, your smartphone will vibrate to let you know you're near a Pokémon. Once you've encountered a Pokémon, take aim on your smartphone's touch screen and throw a Poké Ball to catch it.

手机的「震动」功能vibrate,它的名词是vibration。在国外,会议之前主席会说「手机请调到震动模式!」,英文是「Please turn your cellphone to vibration mode!」


aim (v.) 瞄准、针对My younger sister aims to be an artist.(我妹妹立志要当艺术家。)

aim (n.) 目标It is the family’s aim to build a museum. (这个家族的目标是要盖一座博物馆。)

Pokémon Go之所以掀起让全世界风靡的热潮,以致于在户外看到许多玩家在找东找西,源自以下的设计精神:

Get on your feet and step outside to find and catch wild Pokémon. Explore cities and towns around where you live and even around the globe to capture as many Pokémon as you can.(抬起脚步踏出户外,寻找并去抓野生小精灵。在你所住的城镇甚至全世界四处晃晃,尽量抓个够。)

explore是「探究勘查」,其实就是要你多「四处晃晃」,鼓励玩家走出户外。例句:The night market is the place where we will explore later.(夜市是我们等一下要去逛一逛的地方。)

顺道一提,智慧型手机必须具备GPS(卫星定位功能),才能玩这个类似寻宝游戏的手游App。GPS的全名是Global Positioning System。position是「位置、地点」,所以positioning是「定位」。

此外,virtual也是必学单字,它在字典里是指「实际的、实质的」,但在网路世代里,它是指「虚拟的」。所以,virtual monsters可不是「真实的怪物」,而是虚拟怪兽;智慧型手机的「虚拟键盘」则是virtual keyboard。你不能不知道以下资讯

After downloading the app, players use Global Positioning System and their smartphone cameras to collect virtual monsters which appear in real world locations.(下载这个App之后,玩家要用卫星定位系统与智慧型手机的相机功能来抓那些显示在真实世界地点里的虚拟怪兽。)

我们知道Pokémon Go是AR游戏。AR即「Augmented Reality」,中文称作「扩增实境」。augment读作[ɔgˋmɛnt],它等同于increase与enlarge这两个表示「扩大、增加、提高」之意的字,所以称为「『扩增』实境」。


例句:Pokémon Go brings the world of the game in to the real world, using a technology called augmented reality. (精灵宝可梦Go运用一种称为扩增实境的技术,将游戏带入真实世界。)

注意!警方已发现数起因为玩家在户外太过沈迷Pokémon Go而造成危险的案件,美国Pokémon Go网站也警告大众

For safety’s sake, never play Pokémon Go when you’re on your bike, driving a car, riding a hoverboard, or anything else where you should be paying attention, and of course never wander away from your parents or your group to catch a Pokémon.(骑自行车、开车、玩气垫板,或是其他需要专心注意的事情,都不要玩精灵宝可梦Go;也不要为了抓宝可梦精灵而走失父母或同行友人群的身边。)

上文中的wander away 是「走失」之意,例句:「A three-year-old boy has wandered away in the park.(一个三岁男孩公园走失了。)」


A: I am looking for a location for our new branch office.B: Maybe you can search the Internet for the information.A: You are right! The search for the new location aims to find a place where the rental is cheaper.B: If I pass by the Park Street, I will explore that area for you.

译:A: 我在找新分公司的地点。B: 或许你可以在网路上寻找相关资讯。A: 你说得对!新地点的找寻目标在于找一个店租较便宜的地方。B: 如果我路过公园路我会帮你在那一区域看一下。


Whitcomb Hospital's new efficiency program aims to reduce the workload of hospital employees while improving patient _______.(A) care(B) cared(C) careful(D) carefully

解析本题的正确答案是(A)。care虽然有「小心、谨慎」或「关心、在意」之意,但是本题的care在此是「照料、看护」,而patient care是指「病人照护」。句中的动词「aim to」是「目的是…;旨在」,而它同时也是前文中的「瞄准」。全句句意为「Whitcomb医院效率提升新计划目的在于降低医院员工工作量,同时又提升病患照护的品质。」

延伸阅读》掌握三要点 职场英语面谈无往不利