文/Buffy Kao
火星大接近英文称之为Mars Close Approach,Approach(接近)不但是多益常见单字,还有一个平常大家较不熟悉的用法,看完这篇文章不但可以学英文,还可以跟外国友人聊聊这次天文盛事!
ApproachApproach除了可以作动词,也可作名词,有接近、靠近之意。例句1:The end-of-year party is approaching.(尾牙派对即将到来了。)
例句2:She approached me about the rumors.(她来找我谈谣言一事。)
从上述例句就可以看出,两个例句的approach用法都是动词,例句1指的是某件活动、日期的到来,是接近的意思。而例句2则是一个延伸的用法,字面上有靠近某人的意思,不过approach sb about sth是一个特殊用法,指的是为了某件事情(about sth)而找某人谈(approach sb),算是英文常用的语句。
另外,approach作为名词使用时还有方法之意,而且是重点强调解决某事的方法,其用法为the approach to sth。如果要使用这个用法,请记得要用to当作介系词,用法和the answer to the question(针对某个问题的解答)相似。※台湾学生对这种用法较不熟悉,所以应特别注意。
例句1:Let’s try another approach to the matter.(针对这件事,我们再试试别的方法。)
例句2: The approach of spring brings warm weather.(春天的到来带来了温暖的天气。)
第一句:Approach is what you are going to teach.(Approach指的是你要教什么。)
第二句:Method is how you are going to teach.(Method指的是你要如何教。)
第三句:Approach is general and method is specific.(Approach比较通用的,而method则较明确的。)
There is an urgent need for a more effective method of treating this disease. (人们需要一个更有效的方法来治疗这个疾病。)
Scientists will come up with new methods of increasing the world's food supply.(科学家将会想出提升全世界食物供给的新方法。)
▼ 7月27日起火星大冲。(示意图/台北市立天文科学教育馆提供)
Green Links Golf SymposiumBring Your Game to the Next Level
Sure, it's just a hobby, but like anything you do, you want to be the best. The Green Links Golf Symposium is a three-day jump-start for your golf game. Designed for the avid golfer, the symposium features three former Golf Tour Champions, including veteran golfer Grady O'Shanahan.
Friday, May 4Topic: WoodsSession led by Jeeman PukmanJeeman Pukman, consistently one of the longest drivers on the tour will spend the day taking participants through the key points of his trademark backstroke, the proper way to swing through the ball from the hips instead of the arms, and the ways to avoid slices.
Saturday, May 5Topic: IronsSession led by Gil MarconiIrons are the key to reaching the green. Gil Marconi will focus on three aspects of the approach shot using irons, how to achieve the proper height, ways to increase backspin on the ball, and how to hit the ball farther using a shorter stroke.
Sunday, May 6Topic: PuttingSession led by Grady O'ShanahanAs everyone knows, great putting is the key that allows you into the clubhouse of great golfers, but poor skills will keep you forever an outsider. Grady O'Shanahan, one of the best putters of all time will take you from reading the green to controlling the club head.
Call now for reservations: (626)555-1212. Registration fee $99.00Location: George Palmer Golf Course
1. Who will teach participants to control specific parts of their bodies?(A) Jeeman Pukman(B) Gil Marconi(C) Grady O'Shanahan(D) George Palmer
2. What do the symposium session leaders have in common?(A) They have participated in the symposium before.(B) They are all champion golfers.(C) They all excel at putting.(D) They all hope to become avid golfers.
1.正确答案为(A)。题意为「谁会教导参加者控制身体的特定部位?」试题文章中第一场座谈会是由高尔夫球星Jeeman Pukman所带领,文中有提到他会教导参加者学习the proper way to swing through the ball from the hips instead of the arms「正确挥杆击球的方法,从臀部发力,而非用双臂」,这就清楚表明了第一场座谈会所要教导的是挥杆时要如何控制身体特定部位,而特定部位指的就是臀部,故正解为(A)。
2. 正确答案为(B)。题意为「座谈为各场次主讲有什么共通点?」试题文章一开头说到Designed for the avid golfer, the symposium features three former Golf Tour Champions, including veteran golfer Grady O'Shanahan. 「内容设计给高尔夫热衷份子,座谈会邀请三位前高尔夫巡回冠军主讲,包含经验老道的球星Grady O’Shanahan.」因为得过冠军就是这些球星的共同点,所以正解为(B)。