在协商谈判时,双方各自有立场和底线(bottom-line),然协商的目的在于寻求双方都可接受的条件和共识(seek / find common ground)。如何用英文来形容协商谈判的过程和结果呢?我们以这个新闻事件,来看看几个常见描述「协商/谈判」的重要单字和片语。
A: Taipei city government just announced its decision to retain Taipei Dome contract with Farglory Group. This decision took many people by surprise.(台北市政府刚宣布保留和远雄集团大巨蛋的合约。这个决定让许多人感到意外。)
B: It’s true. I thought the termination of the contract was inevitable since they didn’t see eye to eye on the safety issue. Mayor Ko even issued an ultimatum to Farglory Group three months ago --- comply with the safety standards or face the termination of the contract.(真的。 我以为终止合约是无法避免的,因为双方对大巨蛋的安全有不同的意见。柯市长甚至在三个月前对远雄下了最后通牒-符合安全规定,不然就终止合约。)
1. Retain (v),当keep「保留」解释。
2. take people by surprise用来表示跟当初预期不同,有「让人感到讶异或跌破眼镜」的意思。
3. termination (n)/terminate (v) 做「终止」解释,常用于终止合约。若是续约,则可用「renew」这个动词。
4. inevitable (adj),解释为unavoidable「无可避免的」。 un、in、im、il、ir、dis皆为表示否定not的重要字首。
5. 片语see eye to eye on (something),表示「在____方面意见相同」 也就是agree的意思。特别注意在此「eye」为单数。
6. issue / give an ultimatum为「下最后通牒」之意。ultimatum (n)表示「最后通牒」,通常有威胁的涵义。动词可用issue或者give,若用receive则表示「收到最后通牒」。
7. comply with ____,解释为「符合(_____规定)」。
A: I guess there must have been a lot of give and take in the process of negotiation. I’m glad that they have finally reached a consensus on that matter. It’s probably a win-win situation for both sides.(我猜协商的过程应该有很多互让或妥协。他们最后终于达成共识。这对双方或许是双赢的局面吧。)B: I hope so.(希望如此。)
从上述对话中,我们看到协商时3个重要的英文用法:1. 片语give and take做为「互让,妥协」解释。「妥协,让步」在英文中还有两个非常重要表现方式,一个是「compromise」(v)、(n) 妥协,另一个是片语「meet someone halfway」让步妥协。
2. reach a consensus或reach an agreement皆是「达成共识/同意」的意思。 consensus (n)为「共识」,「一致同意」之意。
3. 协商/谈判不一定能达成共识,也可能造成僵局。僵局英文说法为「deadlock」,如果要表达「打破/结束僵局」则是可用end / break the deadlock。
例句:The talks on tax reform have ended up in deadlock.(税制改革的对谈最后以僵局收场。)
※注:对话A中的「must have Vp.p(过去分词)」,是用于对「一个过去事情做推论或下结论」的文法结构。
例句:A: Why is John late to the meeting?(John为何会议迟到?)B: He must have got / gotten stuck in traffic.(他一定是塞车。)
小试身手:1. A: When I came in the office this morning, I found some lights were on.B: Jim was the last one to leave yesterday. He _________ to turn off the lights.
(A) must forgotten(B) must have to forget(C) may forget(D) must have forgotten
解析:本题答案为(D)。选项(A) must后须接原型动词、(B)语意「必须忘记」和原题所表达的意思相反,且must即为「have to」不需要重复使用。选项(C)为现在式,解释为「可能会忘记」。
译A:「我今早进来公司时发现有些灯是亮着。」B:「Jim 是昨晚最后一个离开。他一定是忘了关灯。」
2. The two political parties do not ____________ immigration policy.(A) keep an eye on(B) have their eye on(C) see eye to eye on(D) close their eyes to
解析:正确答案为(C) 在____方面意见相同,本题句意为「两个政党对移民政策的意见不同」,因此选项(C)符合题意。本题所有的选项皆为跟eye有关的片语,选项(A)为「小心,留意」、(B)解释为「想要得到」、(D)表示「忽视,拒绝」。
3. The committee members have finally reached a ____________ on dress code policy. Employees are allowed to wear jeans on Friday only.
(A) conciseness (B) consensus (C) censorship(D) conscience
解析:本题为单字题,必须选择符合题意的字。注意本题中四个选项的拼字极为类似,容易混淆。选项(A)为「简洁,简明」,(C)为「检查制度」如movie censorship「电影电检制度」,(D)为「良心,良知」的意思。因此,本题答案为(B)共识。